Peace Always~ Shakira
Hello dear friends, I'm sure that you've all read, heard or talked about the death of 19 year old Kenneka Jenkins. This tragic event pulls at the heart of all aware. There isn't a human alive that couldn't empathize with the pain this family must feel. Like many fellow Americans, I have watched video after video, read article after article, read comment after comment. What I have noticed is that many commentators believe that this tragedy was the result of foul play, conspiracy theories of sorts. I read that she was raped and killed by gang members, the hotel employees found her passed out and then threw her body into the freezer believing that she was dead. I've even read that the hotel owner ran an organ harvesting ring and she was killed for her organs. While I won't deny that within certain jurisdictions there may be corruption, and yes, organs being stolen and sold on the underground market. But I think when we try to attribute each and every mishap to some conspiracy theory, then we tend to lose credibility. Those theories are then just chalked up as another assumption by some whacko with too much time on their hands. After viewing the video many times over, I really see no evidence of foul play. Let's really look at this minus the emotion. The police and hotel owner have nothing to gain by trying to cover up a crime. If the hotel owner wanted her organs, why would he freeze them and allow her remains to be found? According to some commenters, it was rumored that the owner ran a clandestine organ harvesting business outside of being a hotel proprietor. Why would anyone, especially locals, book or rent rooms there? Why would the police cover up for low level teenage gang members? We're not talking about millionaire mafia figures. Certainly even the most corrupt Chicago cop would love to see the guilty party pay for their crimes in the murder case of a 19 yr. old. I think what we're seeing here is something bigger. Something people tend to over look, and that is accountability. We have in this case a group of teens that were partying. Its been reported that Kenneka drank alcohol, smoked weed and took ecstasy pills. On the video we could see that she was inebriated. Far too many of our youth have embraced negativity. They have tasted the poison given and refuse spit it out. Our youth have embraced and coddled the culture of death. When it reciprocates, something deadly is bound to happen. I understand that many of your mainstream rappers have made death, despair and destruction seem cool. I myself am guilty of listening to some of the most ignorant, shitty music in my teens that in retrospect, I'm ashamed I ever listened to it. But I think that many young people of today fail to understand the difference between entertainment and reality. Entertainment is "I rap about all the drugs I do". Reality is "I'm a college educated millionaire vegan that wouldn't touch the shit I talk about". Also too many parents want to be their child's friend instead of their parent. They themselves think it's cool to live that fast lifestyle, and then when shit pops off, they look for someone to blame. We can't blame the businesses, the police, the schools or society when we reap the effects of ignorance. No, we must take accountability for this is the hallmark of intelligence and growth. It's time that we made intelligence cool again. It's time that we be parents again. It's time that we parents be the hero in our children's lives. That night Kenneka got high. Drugs and alcohol cloud our reasoning and logic. No one is immune when under the influence. It just happens to be that this mistake cost her life. This isn't the first time that this has happened and sadly enough, it won't be the last. Please use critical thinking always ,don't allow yourselves to be guided by ignorance. The world owes you nothing. Take accountability for your actions and be prepared to blamelessly deal with the repercussions! May Kenneka Jenkins rest in peace.
Peace Always~ Shakira
1 Comment
6/2/2019 10:22:47 pm
I am not really a moody person, but I am not perfect neither. There are things that pisses me off easily and I couldn't handle it every time it attacks me! Actually I cinder myself as a noisy person, but I hate being surrounded by noisy peoples especially if I don't know them. It would be okay to talk to someone you are close with, but noisy people are worth hating for. Perhaps if you call it as a Pet peeves, then that must be the right term for what I feel during that moment. Thanks for sharing the term by the way.
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January 2021
"I'm an avid student of life, love, and spirit. My blog isn't about external beauty per se, clothes, fashion, make-up,or even politics. No none of these things!! The articles that I write come from my heart and are about something simple yet complex, rugged yet fragile, dark yet light. Something beautiful yet at times can be ugly. I write about something that all reading this shouldn't take for granted. Life!! Something everlasting yet fleeting." - Shakira Z. Ch'i Peace Always |