Today I would like to share with you the Maslow heirarchy of needs. To function at our optimum level, its advised that we fulfil each level within this scheme. I find from observation, that too many of us are only meeting the most basic of needs. How many of us have smiled today? Spoke to a stranger? Had pleasant things to say about someone? How many of us have taken time to smell the roses? Its the little things that mean so much. A hug from a loved one, a compliment, smile...the little kind things are endless yet they mean the world. I ask, where are you? Will you transcend? Peace Always ~ Shakira
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January 2021
"I'm an avid student of life, love, and spirit. My blog isn't about external beauty per se, clothes, fashion, make-up,or even politics. No none of these things!! The articles that I write come from my heart and are about something simple yet complex, rugged yet fragile, dark yet light. Something beautiful yet at times can be ugly. I write about something that all reading this shouldn't take for granted. Life!! Something everlasting yet fleeting." - Shakira Z. Ch'i Peace Always |