A: Create a national ID and call it a "Trump card".
Have the most disenfranchised people begging for it!!!
Q: What's the best way to lie down the foundation for a totalitarian government? A: Create a national ID and call it a "Trump card". Have the most disenfranchised people begging for it!!! https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/426222-civil-rights-group-marks-mlk-day-with-call-for-trump-card-national-id
Q: What's the best way to leave America vulnerable via airports?
A: Refuse to pay TSA(Transportation Security Agency) employees because you must have 5.7 billion to build a wall!!! Q: What's the best way to allow an influx of undocumented immigrants into America?
A: Shut down DHS (Department of Homeland Security) because you want to build a wall!! Q: Want to know how America can become 3rd world overnight?
A: Cut social programs because you want 5.7 billion to build a wall! |
January 2021
"I'm an avid student of life, love, and spirit. My blog isn't about external beauty per se, clothes, fashion, make-up,or even politics. No none of these things!! The articles that I write come from my heart and are about something simple yet complex, rugged yet fragile, dark yet light. Something beautiful yet at times can be ugly. I write about something that all reading this shouldn't take for granted. Life!! Something everlasting yet fleeting." - Shakira Z. Ch'i Peace Always |
(C) Shakira Z. Chi 2013 All Rights Reserved