" In life, you can not look down on anyone, that person that one may call a bum, could be the very person that saves your life one day"-Shakira Z. Ch'i
Resources, what are they? Who determines what resources are valuable to society? How resources are computed varies from country to tribe, from continent to political factions. We laugh in our ignorance, when we read or see on some documentary how tribals from all continents exchange cattle, goat, fabrics, cowrie shells, animal skins or what have you. In America we exchange paper, which essentially has no value should the federal reserve collapse. Us, Americans, live each day on a promise, a promise on what could be. We look at the current state of most African nations and wonder how did it get that way? What's wrong with them? And we become insensitive to the suffering of a people so robbed of their resources. We realize that she, Africa, is a very resourceful continent. But we don't ever stop to think about where the funds are being diverted to? Let me put this in terms for the American palate. Bill Gates, we all know him. He is one of the richest men in America or the world so we're told. Tomorrow he wakes up to find that all of his valuables (cars included) have been taken from his home or many homes. So he has no hard resources or valuables to liquidate. He calls the bank, and finds that his account have been completely depleted. He calls wealthy friends and finds that they too have suffered the same fate. He can not keep his homes if he doesn't have the money for the yearly property taxes. What has taken that man so many years to build, could be lost in a matter of days, excuse me, seconds. And over night, this great man would be reduced to a beggar on the street. How, you ask? Because his resources would have been taken. I've thought about this debacle, called world currency and wondered how could the economic status of each people be fair and unbiased. Why can't everyone from each nation, color, and tribe have the essentials for a comfortable life? Why can't each human being on this planet be guaranteed a home, food, and clothes regardless of education or religion? What if there were no currency, no resources, no oil, or gold, or diamonds to start wars over? If earth had no more of its blood to give. What then? Shortly after, I read about how Boko Haram, ( books are forbidden ), an extremist Islamic group out of northern Nigeria, West Africa, kidnapped over 200 girls ages 12-17. And I saw, I saw so vividly that if all else fails, if all material resources were depleted from the earth what would happen. Man would revert to his old ways. Ways he had since his creation. Because its innate in man to know that, PEOPLE are the true never ending resource.
This is a song from one of the greatest lyricist. Please pay close attention to the lyrics!! Peace- Shakira ![]() More than 10,000 gallons of oil spilled from a burst pipeline in the West Glendale area of Los Angeles on Thursday, spewing crude over a half-mile area, the Los Angeles Fire Department said. In some areas the oil was knee-deep, fire department spokesman Jaime Moore said A "handful" of businesses including a nightclub were affected. The leak from a 20-inch pipe on West San Fernando Road was reported just after 1 a.m. local time. Four people at a medical business were evaluated with respiratorycomplaints, and two people were transferred to a hospital, Moore said. The pipeline was shut off remotely and the spill was contained by fire officials, the department said. A hazmat team was sent to the spill site. Initial fire department reports indicated 1 million gallons spilled. The estimate was trimmed to 50,000 gallons a short time later, then trimmed again as cleanup progressed. By dawn, an environmental cleaning company had vacuumed up most of the oil. Crews put down absorbent material to sop up the remaining crude and then used high-pressure hoses to wash the streets with a soap solution. Fire department spokesman Erik Scott said there was no "visible evidence" that the oil entered storm drains, which empty into the Los Angeles River. But he said it's possible that some oil seeped under manhole covers. Hello friends, I want to express to you my utmost concern of Theodore Wafer being brought to justice. Now , I believe in justice and liberty for everyone, even the accused. Innocent until proven guilty,right? So I won't offer to many of my personal opinions just yet. But instead, I will familiarize you all with the case, and pose some questions that maybe you can answer for yourself.
On November 2nd,2013, Renisha McBride was driving home from a social gathering when she hit a parked car. Dazed, confused, and bleeding from her head, she left the scene of the accident. A woman that resided in a house where the accident occurred, called police to send an officer and ambulance to the scene, but the accident was deemed not a priority. This happened around 1 a.m. More than 3 hours later, Renisha was found dead just 3 reportedly short blocks up the street, on the front porch of the accused. When does it take someone more than three hours to walk to a location that would normally take maybe 20 minutes? It was reported by the homeowner and defendant, Mr. Wafer, that he assumed this 19 year old petite girl was attempting to break into his home. He reportedly heard banging on his front door, retrieved his shotgun , opened his front door and the gun ACCIDENTALLY discharged. ( A firearms expert in the preliminary stage disproved that accidental discharge crap). When does knocking, or banging for that matter, on one's door equate to breaking in, wouldn't a burglar want to get in quietly as possible? Why would he open the front door to allow the perceived threat easier access? Why didn't he call the police when he first heard the noise? Why would he shoot her in the face, isn't that over kill? Now the defense has come up with the "Oh, she was drunk and had marijuana in her system when this occurred". (Most teens in America are guilty of making wrong choices pertaining to drinking and marijuana use, but woe to America when the day comes where that could be a defense for shooting unarmed youth!!!) Her blood was tested for this during autopsy. Why wasn't the accused tested for alcohol and drugs? Why wasn't Renisha tested for rape? What is Mr. Wafer's criminal background? Has Mr. Wafer been married before, if so where is his wife? Or his girlfriend? Why not talk to her? Could you imagine what life would be like if each time you knocked on someone's door, they had the right to shoot and / or kill you? The defendant wasn't actually charged and arrested until November 15th, 2013. This allowed him ample time to destroy pivotal evidence. The trial is due to start on June 2nd, 2014. I'll be keeping my eyes glued to the t.v, if it is to be aired live. If not, then my ear to the street. I wrote this blog today, in hopes of enlightening you all. This could happen to anyone's child, no matter the racial affiliation. I believe what happened to Renisha McBride wasn't a racial issue, I believe that it was something deeper. I'm calling for Justice for Renisha, we can not forget!!! Here I lie, thinking of you. Wanting you near. Wondering if you can hear my soul call to you. What does destiny hold? In the future what truths will be told? For your essence captures my heart, from the start. Paradise is what I seek. And when I look into your eyes your energy speaks to me. Telling me of your great mind within, yielding deeper knowledge. How can we be? Will you share paradise with me? My vibes transcend, can you feel that I want to only be your friend. Maybe your love. I sense that our connection will be like that of love unheard of. You know the kind that transcends space and time. For if only I could time travel. I would travel to your land of old. To be by your side through each tribulation. And then by your side in this new nation. I would listen to your thoughts before they are known. Praise you, for in my mind and heart , you will always be on a throne. This is an ode to a beautiful man, from a woman unknown. Will you share paradise with me? We could create it within our mental realm ,without compromise. In this poem the truth does not lie, but stands tall and proud. Will you share paradise with me?
![]() Here we go, oh my god. Where do I begin? Now I know that I'm going to make some enemies with this one , but this is my opinion so please respect that. Here goes.....Several days ago, some friends visited me in my humble yet inviting apartment. After conversing for sometime, someone ( not naming names,lol ) came up with the bright idea that I should watch the reality show, Love and Hip Hop. Hold on stop the press I thought. I've had enough drama in my life, don't have any now, and don't want it. But being the great hostess I am, agreed to watch. After 10 minutes, I was completely repulsed by the horrid images of these "Ghetto Queens". I listened to music through headphones for the remainder of the episode, as not disturb my guest. Now I have stated my opinion about the behavior of some women. It seems that the modern man only wants a woman if she is a "bad bitch". Well fellas, here you go, this is what can happen when fucking with a "Baaad Bitch".............!!! A pregnant Illinois woman is being held on $1 million bail after allegedly stabbing her boyfriend to death for not buying her a present. Prosecutors say 24-year-old Chicago, Ill. resident Miata Phelan killed her boyfriend, 28-year-old Larry Martin, on April 30 after the two got in an altercation, the Chicago Tribune reported. Phelan was allegedly upset because Martin purchased gifts for his 8-year-old son and 25-year-old cousin at a shopping mall, but didn't get anything for her, whose birthday was the following day. An argument between Martin and Phelan -- who is seven months pregnant with Martin's child -- began on the car ride home, where the suspect allegedly kicked and scratched her boyfriend and accused him of being selfish, according to the New York Daily News. After Martin stopped the car to run a quick errand, Phelan allegedly stole the vehicle, leaving the two men and little boy to walk home the rest of the way. The fight continued back at the couple's home, where Phelan allegedly locked Martin, his son, and cousin outside of the home. When Martin was finally able to get inside the residence, Asst. State's Attorney Glen Runk said Phelan stabbed him in the side with a knife. Runk said the suspect told Martin, who was bleeding out on the ground, "This is what you get for messing with me. I hope you die, motherfucker." Despite efforts from Martin's cousin to save him, the victim died a short time later at the hospital. “His last words was to me,” Martin’s son, Lavelle, told the Sun-Times last Thursday. “He said, ‘I’m gonna die, but I love you.’" Phelan has been charged with first-degree murder. May God bless this babies' soul. I'm deeply saddened ,but I think that his story should be told...... A New Mexico man has been charged with murdering his 9-year-old stepson, who was found beaten to death months after placing a desperate 911 call.The child, Omaree Varela, called 911 from his Albuquerque home six months before his death, hoping to alert authorities to what investigators are now saying were drug-addicted, abusive parents, KOAT first reported. The call, placed in June 2013, was made available in February by police. In the chilling audio, Varela's mother, Synthia Varela-Casaus, and the boy's stepfather, Steve Casaus, can be heard hurling verbal abuse at the child, unaware that a 911 dispatcher is listening in. The verbal abuse allegedly began after Varela accidentally spilled food on the ground. "I swear, I'm going to have a nervous fucking breakdown," Steve Casaus can be heard saying in the recording. "Mainly because of this little shit head right here." As the boy stays quiet, Casaus continues to berate the child. "You make everybody sick around you, Omaree," he says. "Everybody!" As a dispatcher traces the call to the home, Omaree's parents can be heard telling the boy to stop crying over bruises he has. "You just want attention, right?" his mother shouts. "Right?" The tirade continues as Casaus threatens to beat the boy and says that the child's own brother can't stand him. A child, presumably Omaree, cries out for his stepfather to stop. "And you want me to be your dad? Fuck you," Casaus shouts. "I ain't gonna be shit to you. Don't you even fucking look at me as your dad." Casaus claims he has never hated anyone more in his life than the young child. Eight months prior to the phone call, a teacher had notified the Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD) of possible abuse of the child when he was found to have cuts and bruises on his body. No one was arrested at the time. Officers Gil Vigil and Scott McMurrough with the Albuquerque Police Department went out to the residence after the boy's 911 call, but made several errors that day that may have led to the child's eventual death, Chief Allen Banks told KOAT. In video taken from a lapel camera by the officers, and published by the New York Daily News, the parents suggest the call was meant for neighbors who were drunk and loud. Despite the dispatcher telling the officers that they should listen to the disturbing phone call before arriving, the officers never did. According to police logs, the officers said they were questioning the parents for two hours, but the lapel camera shows that the officers were there for only 15 minutes. "They did not write a report in this case," Banks told KOAT. "[An officer] says, 'I'll call CYFD,' but he never called CYFD." "You guys seem like a good family," an officer can be heard telling the parents. "A decent family. Just be careful what you guys say when you say stuff like that. I am going to overlook it right now." Six months later in December 2013, Varela was found dead, allegedly stomped and beaten to death. A 30-page autopsy report detailed the boy's injuries, and said he lost about 25 percent of his blood volume through internal bleeding. In February 2014, officer Vigil was fired and McMurrough was suspended for 56 hours. After being arrested in December on charges of child abuse leading to death, Varela-Casaus told KOAT she didn't mean to kill her child, and was only trying to discipline him when she "kicked him the wrong way." The Albuquerque Journal reported that in the last 13 years, Varela-Casaus had been arrested more than 20 times on charges including possession of methamphetamine and prostitution. Last Wednesday, Steve Casaus was arrested on drug charges during an undercover police operation. Casaus and his 22-year-old daughter, Monique Casaus, were allegedly trying to buy unknown drugs and brought the woman's 3-year-old daughter along. The child is now in the custody of CYFD. Along with the drug charges, District Attorney Kari Brandenburg is now charging Casaus with six counts of child abuse leading to the death of his stepson. If convicted, he could face life in prison. “I think this case is real important to the community because a little boy that was vulnerable and unable to help himself was killed and we need to see that that doesn’t happen again as best as we can,” Brandenburg told KOAT. This is the mugshot of the devil that murdered a baby. In my humble opinion, he should be taken out the same way he killed Omaree!! And this is the mugshot of a so-called mother. She deserves the same fate of her murderous husband!!!
R.I.P Selena, we love you and miss you!! New York , New York. It's one of those cities where no matter how many times you've been there, you're bound to see something new. Experience something new. Feel something new. Think something new. Well Saturday night , I was on my way home after a long day in Manhattan. Anyone who's ever driven in New York traffic, knows that this isn't a task to be taken lightly. Late evening traffic , any day of the week, would have Mr. Clean pulling his hair out of his head, if that makes any sense. I found myself saying quite a few curse words, that I'm ashamed to repeat, lol. In the mist of this forced suspension , I took the time to reflect. I took the time to live vicariously for the moment. If I were rich , what could I do differently to hasten traffic? If I had a chauffeur and limo , how would that make this experience smoother? And then I answered the very questions that I had posed to myself. The answer......Nothing!! And after that I conceptualized a few more adages. No matter if we live in a 10 bedroom mansion, we can only sleep in one bedroom. No matter if we own a $10,000 dollar mattress, we can only lie on it. No matter if we own a $300,000 dollar Maybach , we can only drive it. If we have a pure gold toilet in our mansion, we can only shit in it. We can own 300 pair of shoes, but we can only wear one pair at a time. And we can continue this cycle of reasoning on and on. I'm sure that you can think of many more yourself. So why do we idolize rich people again? Do they gain super human strength and intellect upon being bestowed with such a vast amount of dead trees? I think NOT !!! Will there prayers be heard by God at a quicker rate? I think NOT!!! When in the company of the rich , we bow down and become their slaves....Why? Who we essentially are is not defined by money. We are spirit, atoms, and matter. See each person for who and what they are. Look at each man and woman's actions before you rush to call them "Hero". The material things are a distraction. I have come into contact with quite a few rich celebrities, and (with the exception of K'naan, lol. His mind, omg!! love it!! ) I maintained my cool. Keeping in mind that he or she is human just as I. Its okay to want money, unfortunately we require it to care for our family and communities. But we must keep in mind not to idolize something so fleeting as currency.
Fear, what is fear and why does society not address the issue of fear? Honestly, I believe that most are too fearful to discuss fear. Let's start by defining fear. In my humble opinion, the reasons and usage of fear is limitless. I'll list one commonly understood definition. Fear- 1) a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger,evil,etc. whether the threat is real or IMAGINED ; the feeling or condition of being afraid. Now, I capitalized the word "imagine" because a lot of the fears we have are imagined , well I'll say most. We're fearful of what others think of us. This causes us to join and follow groups that thrive on the degradation of innocents due to their religion,color, creed etc... There are even groups formed in the U.K, because of their dislike of people from the same ethnic group , who have red hair , known as gingercide. Fear causes us to stay in one region or country , afraid of invisible lines called borders. The earth belongs to all, so why not explore it? Being afraid causes us to take prescribed medications that affect our brain chemical balance to counteract the fear of facing fear. When we attend church, our so-called pastor, priest, rabbi or what have you, uses fear so we will give larger tithes. We've all been there, you know the fire and brimstone rap. We fear what we don't understand. We fear God only because we don't understand Him. Respect God but don't fear him. Believe me, I have lived in fear. And this innate fear that I had at that time, caused me great distress. So, what happens if we abandon fear? I challenge my readers, to go one day fearless. How does it make you feel? Did life have more color? Did your normally routine existence have purpose? A great man ( r.i.p Tupac ) once said that fear is stronger than love. But the truth of the matter is that God is love. Fear is of satan. And if we walk each day with God, then we have nothing to fear !!
January 2021
"I'm an avid student of life, love, and spirit. My blog isn't about external beauty per se, clothes, fashion, make-up,or even politics. No none of these things!! The articles that I write come from my heart and are about something simple yet complex, rugged yet fragile, dark yet light. Something beautiful yet at times can be ugly. I write about something that all reading this shouldn't take for granted. Life!! Something everlasting yet fleeting." - Shakira Z. Ch'i Peace Always |