I've heard some say that immigrants take all the jobs from Americans, some say that they consume all of the resources, while others say that as long as they are here legally, then they have no issue. I will spare you the political talking points because we aren't politics. Sure politics affects us, our everyday lives for that matter. But arguing back and forth will get us nowhere. Every step taken forward, is two taken back ( as evident in the reversal of #transgenders being allowed to serve in the U.S military) in the end we go in circles. And that my friends is the whole point of politics. We spend so much time judging, blaming and frowning upon the next man or woman. Meanwhile the sole instigator laughs at our willful ignorance, playing a game that we aren't ever meant to win. Ha, politics... a divisive bastard!
But when these games are thrown our way again and again, I want you to focus, keep in mind the most poignant factor.
We're all human, there is no such thing as an illegal or legal immigrant. There are no countries or borders, only land. How dare mankind take the gift that god has given us all. This thing that mankind can't even create and dictate who belongs here or there! We must see things in this world for all that they are.
Today I have shared with you a song that I think will give all a more empathetic view of the subject!
Peace Always~ Shakiras