I want to take this time to give you all, my dear friends, words of inspiration in this time of need.
I'm sure that you have heard of or been infected by the "Coronavirus a.k.a. Covid19 in some way.
This has not only affected Americans of all colors, creeds, religions and demographics, but has affected the world!!!
I've said all that to simply say this... Don't let fear control you!!! Think of all the things that our ancestors have survived. Just think, the American revolution, the civil war, the great depression, black wall street, rosewood massacre, the Seminole wars and so many other hardships, this is just a test of faith. Faith in god, faith in ourselves, faith in our government!!!
I pray that this tribulation soon comes to pass, I pray that my fellow brother and sister will stay safe in these times.
Until this hurdle is crossed, I can offer you tips that I and my family practice. If you can't find hand sanitizer, alcohol of 74% grain or greater is an alternative. Be sure to purchase dry beans, rice, flour, corn meal, oil, instant yeast and eggs. These food items allow you to make bread and eggs. Beans are a great source of meatless protein that last longer than other proteins. And please don't forget how essential FRESH vegetables and fruits are, they keep the immune system strong. Yes, that includes garlic!!! Lol... though it may be smelly, it's a natural antibiotic vegetable. Above all, keep faith and don't stress!!!
Peace Always,