Demonizing a cultural land, a people, a belief?
Using the like of that all so ambiguous, mysterious terror...the word
calling airstrikes on the village, the town, the city,
the children, the people.....justified?
You see we can fight terror for the next 2000 years and never know who she be!
Wake up, for we are fighting a lost cause
Only love can solve all
How can we fight what we can't see?
Terror....who she be?
The bitch be around since Caan and Abel,
the murder of christ and the like
Japanese against Chinese...the rape of Nanking
all the world wars of past and to come
Tribe against tribe
Hutu terrorize Tutsi, vice versa....Rwandan war
Terror...such a whore
When will we see that the joke is on you and me?
We can't fight what we can't see
Terror she surely isn't some random Muslim man or woman,
Lone crazed acts are just that...the energy of evil can possess any
of any religion..Dogma
Only true love can defeat Terror
Killing in retaliation, hating other religious denominations only lends her breath
Terror is such a mystery....for how can we fight what we can't see?