I have been silent on this issue for sometime. I've watched, waited, and, prayed that nothing would escalate the Gaza Strip Conflict. I don't want my views to be misconstrued. I am not anti-Semitic, anti- Palestinian , anti- Judaism, nor anti-Muslim, I am pro-peace, I am pro-religious tolerance.... I am pro- humanity, I am anti-war. I am simply pro- God and anti-Satan!!!
It has been reported that in a matter of 19 days, the Palestinian death toll has reached over 1,000 people, and the Israeli death toll is 42.
Whether Jew or Gentile, Muslim or Hindu, we are human first and foremost!! Its disheartening to watch and hear all of these leaders from various religions, masquerading as beacons of light to the world, all the while justifying the abominable acts of their followers in the name of religious peace !! And then have the guile to teach that Satan is just some creature who is responsible for all the worlds ills !! No sir, you are Satan!!! If man would abide by the laws of the Universe. If man would abide by God's law, then this Satan would be powerless!!! So in effect, you cast sinful acts to the world but you have someone or something else to take the blame for your spiritual misguidance and political misdeeds!!!
Are the lives of innocent children, woman, and men worth a small patch of land in the desert ? Is an Israeli child's life more valuable than a Palestinian child? Or vice versa. I have watched documentaries of Palestinian children being pursued by Israeli tanks for throwing rocks. Where is God in this equation? Where is Satan?
If we wish to usher in an Utopian society, then its up to us to bring God energy to this planet. We can not sit and stay silent on injustice and senseless murder because its not happening in our country, its not happening to our children. Should satanic energy run free, it will be like a hungry beast, destroying whom ever comes into its path!!
I have written an acrostic poem in hopes that you will be able to recognize Satan that may be present in your life. And dispel it from your life before he or she consumes you. One or all of this terms may apply!!
Sadistic, getting pleasure from others pain
Adverse ,in opposition for their personal gain
Totalitarian, controlling each aspect of your existence
Anti-life, will kill at will should you resist this
Nefarious, to do evil for them is bliss !!