January 1- 7 1923, a whole African- American town was wiped out and destroyed. Killing upwards off 10 people. Tulsa Race Riots of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Late May, early June 1921 in a section of Greenwood, there was an African American town also known as "Black Wall Street" due to its financial abundance and success, was completely wiped out , burned and ravished to nothing.
Then we had they era were misogynist hijacked the political system. Women weren't allowed to vote federally until 1920, after years of debate and struggle by such forward thinking women as Sojorner Truth, Susan B. Anthony and nameless others. Or the hate crimes against gay Americans like Harvey Milk, Brandon Teena, Scott Amedure, Matthew Shepard just to name a very few.
I ask the question, when has man had the right to punish or discriminate against another because he may see, love or believe differently? If I ask what color is the sky? Some may respond with " the sky is blue, some with " the sky is white" and yet others may say " the sky is truly black". Am I at liberty to verbally bash them, detain or use aggression towards any participants because their answer may differ from my opinion? No, I am not and neither is any other on this planet. We must realize that none of us truly " Knows" anything... we only have our opinions, our beliefs.
Islam means submission, submission unto God ( Allah SWT ). The foundation of Islam is that of peace and a direct connection to God. Muslims also believe in Jesus ( Isa...pbuh ) as a prophet from Allah. We believe that God cannot die and is not dead... man cannot murder the creator of all. If we look at it deeply, we're all born Muslims. Christianity is taught and learned. The love of the true, living God (Allah SWT) is innate. ( Disclaimer: just my belief and/ or opinion, please hold your horses!!! :-) I'm not here to convert any non- believers, yet simply shed some light on this ignorant pattern of not liking someone because of their religion. If you don't understand, ask questions, read or research. This is imperative so that America doesn't slip back into the dark ages and such atrocities that happened in the not so distant past, happen once again!! People in society have a habit of putting everything into a box or category. Then if you don't fit into the per-determined box, you're instantly condemned. I will leave some quotes from Muhammad (PBUH).. for this is truly a religion of peace. Just as we cannot mark all Christians as bigoted, violent , terroristic, white supremacist, we cannot allow propaganda and xenophobia to set into our psyche, causing us to have hate in our hearts, spewing obscenities out of our mouths, as we watch our Muslim brothers and sisters (or any other regardless of their religious sect) face adversity or oppression. Remember it could be you tomorrow! Peace Always~ Shakira
Hadiths (sayings) of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh):
" Faith is a restraint against all violence, let no mu'min (faithful Muslim) commit violence"
"The proud will not enter paradise ( Heaven), nor the violent speaker"
"The best of you are those who are best to the women"
"Do you know what is better than fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind"
"The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry"
Someone asked Muhammad (pbuh) pray to God against the idolators and curse them, the prophet responded "I have been sent to show mercy and have not been sent to curse"
"Allah (SWT) has revealed to me that, you must be humble. No one should boast over one another, and no one should oppress one another"
"The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every